Had a dream a little while ago about the Toda Ha Buko Ryu Naginata group doing a demo – with shuriken throwing stars! It was in a crowded pub or something. The first guy stands up, nails it perfectly in the bullseye, sits down, perfect zanshin. Someone gasps at the table behind, draws stares and giggles.
The next two people hit the target but not the bullseye.
The next one is way off, misses the target and almost hits people at the next table on.
That’s about all I can recall. It stood out to me because I don’t have many martial arts dreams these days.
Why this dream? And why Toda Ha Buko Ryu, which I have never practiced in my life? Upon my arrival in Japan, I was shown one of their practices, met the headmaster, Nitta Sensei, and was of course impressed and tempted, but did not join. Nor do they have, to my knowledge, shuriken among their weapons. I was active in Ten Do Ryu Naginata for several years but am inactive lately.
So why not a Ten Do Ryu dream? Their motions are still latent in my body. I saw their demo at Meiji Shrine a couple months back (see picture of two members preparing beforehand). I joined an excellent all-day seminar recently and was surprised at how quickly the motions came back – and how far I had drifted.
I used to have karate dreams, move in my sleep. This was back in the university years when I was focused on one primary art and practiced it every day. I would frequently throw blocks and kicks in my sleep – to the consternation of others who might be in close proximity.
But no more – I am too spread out in my training and can no longer – on most days – practice four hours a day. Those were good times back then, good dreams and good nights.
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