yeah, not a scratch on him. Total self-inflicted wound, 自爆.
We were working on bo vs. sai.
hmmmmm. test coming up for me, lots of pressure every practice, very good feeling.
But I smacked myself good.
teacher / friend T. said that until you injure yourself with a weapon, you don't really know the weapon. Well I have cleared the nunchaku (past post) and tonight cleared the sai. Which one is next?
I recovered well, switching into free-style and doing whatever worked to restrain the opponent, but still, the pictures are not pretty.
We ran through the full set of bo vs. sai and I mucked up a couple times but recovered well -- not the official form but I adjusted naturally, smacked the other guy in an unexpected but effective way. Still, tonight's performance would not pass the test.....So I was satisfied, I could adjust in different circumstances, still whack the guy, but I couldn't pull off the needed techniques to pass the test.....
Check back next week....
Never give up!
Dan test がんばって!
Preparations for lessons and review
did you really self inflict this or was it a fight with the minister of family affairs
stephen in Hong Kong
very cool blood!
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