Thursday, August 6, 2009

Portrait of the Martial Artist as a Young Man

In honor of (more than) one year as a blog, and just reaching the 500-mark on “profile views”, I offer this rare glimpse from the past. Yes, I was in good shape at one point.


crayon_ponyfish said...

This photo was taken last Friday, right?

BTW, I'm LOVING the whole Yang long-form! Thanks again for inspiring me to get involved!

Unknown said...

"I'm too sexy for my shirt!"

BP said...

I see how it is; all I have to do is shuck some clothes to up the number of comments. the future could be grim.

BP said...

Crayon - tell me more about the Yang long form (88 or 108)?? either way, in the future, I may be asking you lots of questions about it.
In my time left in Japan, I must focus on the forms I am currently practicing and need to deepen my knowledge considerably. But once back in the US, who knows what contacts I will find...
About the fang song request.....that will take some time. Please be patient . (Referring to a future post about fang song, though I just realized these words have a double meaning).
Anyway, relax. then relax some more. And when you think you've really got it, your teacher will probably tell you to fang song again.